sunnuntai 1. joulukuuta 2013

Mind about a book: Spreading good ideas for better healthcare

I’ve read ”Spreading good ideas for better healthcare – A practical toolkit” written by Paul Plsek. We got a clue that our final task will be about promoting and spreading health products and that’s why I chose to read these toolkit. Even though it is about healthcare, the focus is on how to spread ideas overall and that’s why I thought it could maybe be helpful for our project.

The toolkit mentions five factors that ideas that spread quickly have in common; they are advantageous, compatible, simple, triable and observable. This is something we should think about when working on our task in Kunstenniemi. Many tools were used in the guide, but even though some of them were only meant for healthcare, some of them can also be used for spreading any new idea. Many good points were mentioned such as ideas spread really fast if consumers can see the benefit and utility from it when other consumers use it.

The toolkit mentions the importance of finding the right target group for your idea and think what the group has in common. Maybe they are all using some specific social media or have an opinion leader? And who in that group are most likely to be early adopters? These are some questions we should think about and search information about when we know the target group.  Further, it is easier  to make specific plans around other aspects of spread when you have found the right group. It is challenging to find the right persons who will tell about your idea further, but once the early and late majority starts to hear about your idea from the early adopters the spreading is on a good way.

The toolkit has several points that are good to think about when you really want to get your idea spread and I’m really looking forward to meet Raisio Group tomorrow and to start working with our task in Kunstenniemi!


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