I've read the book "Sales Promotion" written by Roddy Mullin and Julian Cummins.
The book tells about how to promote your product in a better way so you could get more customers to buy it. The writers say it is one of the marketer's most tested and most effective tool. You can read about different stages of creating and implementing innovative and succesful sales promotion in the book and it will help you to understand how to promote your product better.
Some companies use the same way to promote their products year after year and they probably do it because it has worked fine. Anyhow, it may work even better if you slightly change your ways of promoting. You can read about many different ways to change your promotion and you can also read about resaults how these different ways have worked. The little change you do, can give you an massive raise in sales. Some of the things the writers focused on are off-the-self offers, joint promotions, price promotions and premium promotions. You can also read about how a price-cutting promotion can be dangerous to your business.
I recommend you to read this book if you want to learn more about what sales promotion is, what the benefits of sales promotion is and how to implement a sales promotion program.I think this will help us with our project, since we are working with the Raisio Group and they have many different product it is important to promote in the right way. We can think about the right ways to promote the health products, since they are our task.